Sunday, July 30, 2017

Matrix Display 8 x 8

Matrix Display 8 x 8.

Allows user to create patterns on an 8x8 display by setting bits in an array. A square figure and a face are displayed in the code. You can create your own patterns by changing the bits in the arrays shown.

NOTE: Include the library ledcontrol by searching for ledcontrol in the library manager

Copy Code Below -----------------

#include <LedControl.h>

int DIN = 12;
int CLK =  11;
int CS = 10;

LedControl lc=LedControl(DIN,CLK,CS,0);

void setup(){
 lc.shutdown(0,false);     //The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup
 lc.setIntensity(0,15);     // Set the brightness to maximum value
 lc.clearDisplay(0);         // and clear the display

void loop(){ 

//Create an array of 8 bytes (64 bits) containing a patterns of 1's (lit) and 0's (not lit)

//This patterns of ones will create a square as outlined by the 1's in the 2 dimensional array below://
byte square[8]= {B11111111,

//This patterns of ones will create a smiley face as outlined by the 1's in the 2 dimensional array below://
byte face[8]=   {B00000000, 


// The code below is a function. This function takes data from an particular shape array and sends it to the display

void printByte(byte character [])
  int i = 0;

Copy Code Above -----------------

Going Further::

1) Create different patterns by creating the required array
2) Change program to cycle through several patterns with a delay between patterns
3) Create an animation by cycling through several patterns like a smiley face
4) Create digit patterns from 1 to 9